Enterprise DevOps Pipeline

DevOps is an important cultural shift that breaks down barriers between development and operations allowing organizations to create and improve solutions efficiently using automated processes. The Enterprise DevOps Pipeline was a uniform, automated process of transforming source code changes into delivered solutions.

This project:

  • Introduced new tools, such as GitHub, Jenkins, Docker, Vault, Splunk, Ansible, and Terraform
  • Created a DevOps Community of Practice to aid adoption
  • Promoted best practices, such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), Secrets Management, and the Twelve Factors
  • Provided more flexibility to developers for crafting solutions, while providing transparency to operations through Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Supported a variety of technology platforms (Java, JavaScript, Python, Scala, etc.), all following a uniform process that included quality control gates

Benefits included:

  • Empowered teams to innovate with new solutions and frameworks, and adopt microservices
  • Improved availability and scalability by leveraging container orchestration
  • Reduced deployment failures, rollbacks, and time to recover
  • Improved security
  • Valued DevOps investment attractive to the best talent
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